study|studies in English


[stud·y || 'stʌdɪ]

learning; field of learning; thorough investigation; report, analysis; room in which reading or studying is done

Use "study|studies" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "study|studies" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "study|studies", or refer to the context using the word "study|studies" in the English Dictionary.

1. Related areas of study include environmental studies and environmental engineering.

2. Cohort studies are used to study incidence, causes, and prognosis.

3. What is Africana Studies? Africana Studies is the study of the history and culture of African peoples

4. Social studies is the study of how man lives in societies.

5. For example, zoology deals with animal studies, botany deals with plant studies, and microBiology is the study of microorganisms.

6. Eusebius devoted himself to his studies, especially to the study of the Bible.

7. At NYU Accra, you can take an interdisciplinary approach to Africana studies, study global public health, and explore urban and metropolitan studies.

8. Acarology is the study of mites and ticks.A person who studies Acarology is an acarologist.

9. After a review of all titles and abstracts 25 studies were included in this study.

10. (g) the format of protocols, abstracts and final study reports for the post-authorisation safety studies.

11. During my study is well, I have been commissary in charge of studies and class monitor.

12. Study on safety is an important discussion among studies on applying fertilizer of tannery chromium sludge.

13. The social sciences that study inequity Aversion include sociology, economics, psychology, anthropology, and ethology Human studies

14. During his lifetime he had published a series of Bible study volumes called Studies in the Scriptures.

15. Test facility inspections will generally include, inter alia, study audits, which review on-going or completed studies.

16. There is considerable variation among the aggregated fields of study in who paid for the course of studies.

17. The program focuses on five Cross disciplinary areas of study: cultural studies and social justice; gender studies; medicine and health; literature, film, and arts; and communication, media, and technology

18. Gabriel study and other recent epidemiological studies regarding Atrazines potential link to cancer do not alter that conclusion.

19. Jesse's studies signalled the beginning of ' Aeronomical research', the regular study of the upper atmosphere, now called 'aeronomy'.

20. The most sensitive chronic study had higher effect concentrations than the acute studies, and so was not used.

21. Reading Androcentrism against the Grain: Women, Sex, and Torah-Study Daniel Boyarin Near Eastern Studies, UC, Berkeley For Dr

22. Computer simulation and field studies have been carried out to study the allowable bearing capacity of soils for cranes.

23. Botanists are people who study botany (the science of studying plant biology) and conduct research base on their studies

24. Botanists are people who study botany (the science of studying plant biology) and conduct research base on their studies

25. Acarology: The study of ticks and mites Actinobiology: The study of the effects of radiation upon living organisms Actinology: The study of the effect of light on chemicals Aerobiology: A branch of biology that studies organic particles transported by the air Aerology: The study of the atmosphere Aetiology: The study of the causes of disease Agrobiology: the study of